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Kaiyuan Wei

Python / Java / ML Developer

Graduated from NEU with Master's in AI and Bachelor's in IT,
skillful in Python/Java/JS coding, Machine Learning and Data Engineering.
Also experienced in Fullstack Website Development.

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My Skills


TensorFlow, PyTorch, SK-learn, Jupyter Notebook, NumPy, Pandas, CNN, RNN, Transformer, BERT

Data Engineer /
Big Data

Big Data tools: SQL, NumPy, Pandas, MongoDB, Redis, Spark, Docker, ElasticSearch, Scrapy, Linux

Python / Java Fullstack

Python/Java frames: Django, Flask, SpringBoot. Webp tool: JavaSript, CSS, HTML, React, RestAPI, AJAX.


Name Kaiyuan Wei

Degree Master's in Artificial Intelligence

Bachelor's in Information Technology

School Northeastern University



LinkedIn kaiyuan_wei

Certificate [AWS] Certified Machine Learning Specialty

[Udemy] Elasticsearch & Elastic Stack

Major Skills

Skillful at Python, Java, JavaScript, and C++, along with libraties for ML/DS including TensorFlow/PyTorch/Scikit-learn.
Also farmiliar with major Big Data tools such as SQL/MongoDB/Spark/Redis/Elasticsearch/Scrapy.

Python 100%

Java 90%

JavaScript 90%

C++ 80%

Python / Java / ML Developer

Hi, my name is Kaiyuan Wei. I graduated from Northeastern University with a master degree in Artificial Intelligence and a Bachelor's in Information Technology. I had acquired sufficient knowledge for ML/DS. Skillful at Python, Java, and JavaScript, and tools like TensorFlow, PyTorch, Scikit-learn. Familiar with Big Data processing with SQL, MongoDB, Spark, Elasticsearch, Scrapy.

I obtained AWS Machine Learning Specialty Certificate. Applied knowledge into projects like Q&A ChatBot, Health Prediction, Tumor Detection. These projects built my experience for NLP and computer vision tasks. I follow the cutting-edge development of AI by following top research team blogs such as GoogleAI and DeepMind.

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